Times, Sunday Times The more optimistic tone of the indices could encourage more owners to follow our reader's example. Synonyms for OPTIMISTIC: auspicious, bright, encouraging, fair, golden, heartening, hopeful, likely; Antonyms for OPTIMISTIC: bleak, dark, depressing, desperate . Here's an example: Griffin and Jake both try out for the basketball team during sophomore year. Stay on the same page and make decisions faster by bringing all of your work communication into one place." Slack's writing is straightforward and understandable, avoiding any fluff. Example- John might be a successful businessman, but he always sounds arrogant whenever he talks. Hopeful. And so does their website tone of voice guide. Optimistic and hopeful, the couple set out on a hunt to find their dream home. I've put together additional resources to help you craft your brand's voice and find inspiration with really awesome examples of brand voice. With this tone, the author expresses his optimism that things will work out in the end. Words related to optimistic assured, bright, buoyant, cheerful, cheering, confident, encouraged, expectant, happy, high, hopeful, hoping, idealistic, merry, on cloud nine, on top of world, positive, promising, rose-colored, rosy How to use optimistic in a sentence . (181) As a clinician, Mukherjee is only guardedly optimistic. Expecting the best in every way possible. Your character is what will attract your target audience and turn them into followers. Hope against hope. Today. hopeful about the future or a specific outcome Examples of Optimistic in a sentence Though we haven't won a game all year, our team is still optimistic that today we will win. The tone word you need for the moment is the one that evokes the right emotions and that allows your sentence to flow without speed bumps. Optimistic: Positive thinking is the opposite of pessimism. 8. Optimism is the practice of being hopeful by focusing on the potential and positives in a situation. Positive Tone Words Energetic Enthusiastic Humorous Let's take a look at some examples of tone from TV and film. 3 the doctrine of the ultimate triumph of good over evil. To create an optimistic tone when speaking, people tend to raise the pitch of their voice. Yet there is also a belief that the world can and will be a better place one day if we're willing to work for it. Because they don't view setbacks as personal failings, optimists are able to bounce back from disappointment better than pessimists. Website Tone of Voice Guide: Brand Value 3 - We're Optimistic. Tone is the attitude or general character of a piece of writing and is often related to the attitude of the writer or speaker. (C18: from French optimisme, from Latin optimus best, superlative of bonus good) This would be an example of an optimistic tone. Optimistic | Meaning of optimistic Typical plots involve hair loss, have happy endings and provide nonfictional information, for example, describing treatments in child-friendly, multimodal ways. Your tone of voice gives your brand a character- without which it will come across as an empty shell. This shows that the person is energetic and positive, and therefore has an optimistic tone. Times, Sunday Times The more optimistic tone of the indices could encourage more owners to follow our reader's example. Optimistic. Authoritarian. This is the big one. While journalistic writing theoretically . Postpartum blues, a condition new mothers often experience. At the very least, a thorough budget may cause a change in the more optimistic elements of a company's business plans. Times, Sunday Times : displaying pride, self-worth, self-importance in an unpleasant way. Positive Tone Words. . Get the latest financial news, headlines and analysis from CBS MoneyWatch. A great place to find out what tone is being used and learn more about is to hear directly from the authors themselves! The tone is optimistic. (182) Positive and optimistic, and give us rosiness and hope. Be personable, but always think about the recipient (s) of your e-mail while writing your subject line, greeting and content. While tone and mood are distinct literary devices, they are often closely related. 4. (184) Even in our awful tribulation we were quite optimistic. Neither makes the final cut. Tone is the author's attitude toward a subject. Jenny is optimistic and hopes for the best even when things look bleak. Positividad y diversin: la alegra y el tono optimista son una constante en los lip dub. 3. Just like a brand has a visual identity (logos, colours) it also needs a voice. Revised: The committee is unable to consider your request. In our article on tone we mention that a tone can be described by nearly any adjective (tone words). It helps to build trust and (when executed well) create a point of difference. For example: When writing an email to a friend, for example, you may choose to use an informal or colloquial tone, whereas an essay for an English class requires an academic tone. air force customs and courtesies afi. Tone. Here are nine ways to find positivity at work: Create a positive tone to start each day. Cheerful Energetic Lighthearted Surprised. Times, Sunday Times She rarely gives interviews, but has previously struck a more optimistic tone than her fellow analysts. 2. Optimistic: There's a lot of bad stuff going on in the world today. positive tone examples. (183) And I'm really optimistic that this is going to work. Persuasive. Examples of sentences with a direct tone include: - Your essay was very short! Keep your chin up. Tone of text is the mood or attitude that an author or speaker conveys with word choice and wording. 1 Slack Neutral and direct "Work more easily with everyone. Take the example of Old Spice. The term "optimist" refers to a feeling or attitude that is positive or optimistic about the future. The writer is expecting the apartment to be improved soon. Tense A tense tone helps to keep the reader feeling unsure of what will happen next. Tense Tone. An optimistic tone conveys the belief that things will get better, even during challenging situations. He reassured his friend about his care . Optimistic: In a Sentence - WORDS IN A SENTENCE Keep your chin up. Still struggling with copywriting voice? The tone is a literary device that conveys the author's attitude towards the subject they're writing about. The author uses an optimistic tone to convey a sense of hope and a positive outlook for the future. Tone Examples in Literature. Book critics will often . Think of words to describe your product or service, as well as general conversational words. When we move away, we're planning to release three hundred cockroaches and tow One of the examples of tones is humor. For example: let's say your brand is thoughtful, optimistic, and approachable. Some are obviously negative. This kind of upbeat writing is encouraging and motivating. Here are some examples: I assure you; Don't give up; Worried. Emails that are friendly and positive are much more likely to be received well and will illicit the response that you are hoping to get. Examples of Positive Tone Words. This is used in storytelling, public speaking, writing and conversation where tone of text acts can act as a social cue.The following are common examples of tone of text followed by a few more . Mood refers specifically to the effect a piece of writing has on the reader . For example, a scorned lover writing a letter to someone who has betrayed them will have a different tone . The following are illustrative examples of optimism. Cheery Enthusiastic Loving Sweet. That could be a single, specific reader or a group of people. 21. Both feel disappointed, but they handle it differently. Express appreciation regularly. Optimistic Tone Examples. Build strong relationships at work. Helps you persuade your audience You can influence your audience's decisions with a compelling tone of voice. An optimistic and positive tone of voice is always welcome. Every cloud has a silver lining. If someone lowers the tone of their . Synonyms & Antonyms for optimistic Synonyms auspicious, bright, encouraging, fair, golden, heartening, hopeful, likely, promising, propitious, rose-colored, roseate, rosy, upbeat Antonyms bleak, dark, depressing, desperate, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, downbeat, dreary, gloomy, hopeless, inauspicious, pessimistic, unencouraging, unlikely, If you use a pessimistic or accusatory tone of voice in communication, the results may be negative. n. 1 the tendency to expect the best and see the best in all things. 22. That kind of tone would be an example of being pessimistic. This can be a character trait whereby an individual has an enduring tendency to be optimistic. This includes selection of words and phrases, grammar and other elements of wording such as viewpoint. . Example: You can vote for me because I am the best candidate for the job. I believe I can make things better in my life. What exactly is a person who is optimistic? The tone and mood words listed below are also available as a Word document. Hang in there. Yet both poems deal with the same topic from different perspectives. Using careful word choice, especially when selecting the proper synonym or a descriptive adjective, can create the desired effect and convey the appropriate tone for a piece. Optimism is a mental attitude characterized by hope and confidence in success and a positive future. Optimism can also be a habit, deliberate effort or mood. The tone will set up a suspenseful novel, a hopeful opinion piece, or a melancholy poem. Sandra laughed as she jokingly shoved her friend's shoulder" 3 Optimistic When writing in an optimistic tone, you're conveying a sense of hope, and a positive outlook for the future. Often, brands build up a credible tone of voice by using the same types of phrases and words repeatedly. An optimistic tone expresses hope that things will improve. When there's a lot of bad stuff going on in the world, it can feel like that bad stuff will only get worse. Writing about tech can be pretty difficult, even with a knowledgeable audience. 8. The author's underlying tone will come across the more that reader reads the author's short story or paper. Optimists are those who expect good things to happen, where pessimists instead predict unfavorable outcomes. This would be an example of an optimistic tone. Concentrate on constructive thoughts. When writing a mystery or thriller, an author may utilize a tight tone . And the rest are more or less neutral. 12. List of Tone Words (Positive Tone Words) Interested Humorous Hopeful Sympathetic Self-assured Scholarly Sanguine Romantic Reverent Respectful Relaxed Reassuring Proud Poignant Playful Placid Casual Calm Benevolent Approving Passionate Optimistic Nostalgic Modest Lively Light Laudatory Joyful Jovial Hilarious Encouraging Empathetic Elated Effusive Tone isn't limited to written work. Some examples where optimism is used as a psychotherapeutic conjunct are: Major depression that exists independently or is an aggravation from the bipolar syndrome. sentence from "optimistic". 10x your content production Empowering writers, not replacing them. Genuine humor creates trust and hope and makes your speech memorable. Tone also allows the reader to learn about a character's personality and disposition. Example: "Despite the civil unrest happening in my city, I believe I can make things better and see real change in my lifetime." 5. Complimentary Exuberant Passionate Vibrant. Get Outranking Free 5. Examples: "NahI've got tons of time to do my chores" "Hey, what's up?" ". For example, textbooks are usually written with an objective tone which includes facts and reasonable explanations. To portray a more optimistic tone, an author . Confident Fanciful Peaceful Whimsical. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. We also gave some examples of positive and negative tone words. What is an optimistic person? Examples: 2 hopefulness; confidence. The objective tone is matter-of-fact and neutral. It is usually easy to follow an author's tone but an author can be somewhat sarcastic while conveying a positive tone. The children interviewed supported these trends, emphasizing the impact of hair loss, their appreciation of an overall positive tone, and their benefitting from information on their . The text is written with a straightforward attitude without any sugar-coating or careful phrasing. CloudSmartz, a Brafton client, embodies the brand tone of voice you want in speaking to decision-makers, management or executives. Promote teamwork and inclusivity. 4. - This problem is difficult to solve. This writing tone centers around an outlook of positivity and trying to lift readers' spirits. . In the second example, though, the author was able to communicate exactly the same information, but in a much more positive and empathetic way. Follow reader-centric attitude. Optimistic tones in writing have to do with conveying some message of hope. 3. In that case, your brand voice and tone should reflect those traits. To see an example brand messaging and voice guide I recently developed, click the link below to discover my work samples page. While both sentences above convey the same idea, Example 1 illustrates an informal tone or register, while Example 2 displays an academic tone . Brooklyn 99 (2013 - 2021) Brooklyn 99 has a silly, lighthearted tone, primarily provided by the dialogue but also by the visuals (like the photos that Holt shows Peralta in this clip). A persuasive tone can be assertive, passionate, or even aggressive. 4 the philosophical doctrine that this is the best of all possible worlds, (Compare) pessimism. 5. Yet there must also be an overall tone to the book that reflects the attitude a writer has to the overall story arc that is being offered. A persuasive tone convinces the reader to agree with the author's point of view and can often be found in argumentative essays or speeches. As tones in writing set the mood for your reader, any tone that has a hint of worry can promote . It is a negative tone word. Create a bank of words that you want to be used across your organization. Maintain a healthy work-life balance. When someone raises the pitch of their voice, it portrays a feeling of happiness and/or excitement. Sentence examples for optimistic tone from inspiring English sources RELATED ( 20 ) optimistic attitude euphemistic tone optimistic rhetoric sanguine tone rosy tone optimistic momentum optimistic tenor optimistic mood bullish tone buoyant tone hopeful tone optimistic vein optimistic language generous tone optimistic voice strong tone confident tone The word "blithe" means carefree or happy and is a positive tone word. For example, one poem may be sad and hopeless while another may be funny and optimistic. Griffin is an optimist. Calm Encouraging Jubilant Soothing. Optimistic. Through tone, the attitude and mood of a literary work are created and presented. Here are examples of optimism in idioms and popular phrases: See the glass as half full instead of half empty. For example a person who always looks for the best in things is an optimist. Positivity and fun: the joy and the optimistic tone are a constant in the lip dub. Things have a way of working out for the best. Enthusiastic If it were Batman, it would be his cape. It might also reflect how they feel about the intended audience. Tone of Voice takes in a brand's values, personality and attitude. Definition of Optimistic. optimism. 28 Examples of Optimism. Tone and Word Choice Examples. Times, Sunday Times cheap eats times square. This would be an example of an optimistic tone. 5. A person who is optimistic, for example, believes he will be promoted and that everything will work out fine. Optimistic. Some descriptive words have the same denotative meaning but carry different connotations. Similarly . Times, Sunday Times She rarely gives interviews, but has previously struck a more optimistic tone than her fellow analysts. Optimistic tone examples: It'll be alright. Here are some examples and resources for positive and negative tones. Some poems have only one tone but still manage to express various feelings due to strong metaphors or similes used by the poet. A brand tone of voice is your brand's verbal personality. Arrogant. There is light at the end of the tunnel. It's important that we present ourselves in positive and optimistic ways. Adam seems to have blithe attitude towards his job. The tone usually takes place in the narrator's mind and is a reaction to a specific situation within the story. Mood is how a piece of writing makes you feel. Create a brand dictionary. An optimistic tone is a positive writing style that inspires hope in the reader. Brave Elevated Joyful Romantic. She'll be fine. An optimistic tone is hopeful, cheerful. Example of Optimistic Tone: Hang in there; you will be alright after your surgery. In conclusion I want to say a few words about the optimistic tone being used about peace. Tone Word Examples: 75+ Ways to Describe Tone Tone gives shape and life to a story. Tense: Tension keeps the reader guessing what will happen next. It gives voice to the characters, both literally and figuratively. Optimistic Tone. Yet, there is also a belief that the world will be a better place one day if we work for it, this would be an example of an optimistic tone. In a positive mood. Compassionate Excited Optimistic Sympathetic. : controlling everything; insisting on blind submission to someone, or something; complete obedience. Tone and mood both deal with the emotions centered around a piece of writing. Here are examples of optimism in idioms and popular phrases: See the glass as half full instead of half empty. 9. Here's an optimistic quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." Here are some more recent examples from the news: "It's been so positiveHe's always optimistic, always hungry for the next one." (Washington Times) "It's an optimistic assessment that clashes hard with the reality on the . If you are writing something of key importance, always try to anticipate the response from recipient (s) and the expected/targeted response. Some are positive. The author uses a tense tone to keep the reader unsure of what will happen next. Pessimistic. An example of an optimistic tone could be found on page 149 in. Like the pessimistic tone, the optimistic tone is more like a state of mind, rather than being a signifier of the reality within the story. Example: Despite the social upheaval in my city, I feel I can alter things in my lifetime. Positive tone words are those that evoke positive emotions. Professional and Ambitious - CloudSmartz. Accept responsibility and take control. The table below shows positive tone words with their meanings. Instead of "I will be out of town from February 13 until February 18, and will not be able to meet with you until after that," simply say "I can meet with you after February 18." Use antonyms to remove the word "not." For example: Tone is present in all written communication, whether it's a choice or an accident. Here are 10 Tips to Use Tone words and make your writing look perfect. Though they seem similar and can in fact be related causally, they are in fact quite different. . Example: Griffin and Jake both try out for the best and See the glass as half full of. But he always sounds arrogant whenever he talks attitude towards his job social upheaval in my. Tone word in all things same denotative meaning but carry different connotations writing is encouraging and.. Trait whereby an individual has an enduring tendency to be used across your organization whereby an has. 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