In the interest of clarity and capturing requirements clearly, I'm attempting to use INTERFACE targets as a mechanism to group compiler flags, definitions, and linker options. Typically, INTERFACE_* properties are populated on an interface target using the commands: set_property (), Typically, INTERFACE_* properties are populated on an interface target using the commands: Starting from cmake 3.13, object libraries can "link" to other libraries to inherit their usage requirements ( doc ). Example # To create an build target that creates an library, use the add_library command: add_library (my_lib lib.cpp) The CMake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS controls whenever to build an static ( OFF) or an shared ( ON) library, using for example cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON. I coded in toplevel CMakeLists.txt: add_library(IFOcct INTERFACE) target_include_directories(IFOcct . add_library (<name> INTERFACE) Creates an Interface Library. This property contains the list of transitive link dependencies. --target SomeLibrary Scanning dependencies of target SomeLibrary [ 50%] Building CXX object libraries/SomeLibrary . Set up the cmake project Define the library to be built as a header-only library and adding files Define installation properties Specify which files to copy into the installation directory For a quick overview: Click here to expand the full CMakeLists.txt Setting up the project The first line of all CMake files is the minimum required version. In the directory ./Hello, a library is built. However, it may have properties set on it and it may be installed and exported. An example is like so: add_library(my_specs INTERFACE) target_compile_definitions(my_specs INTERFACE MY_DEF=FOO) target_compile_options(my_specs INTERFACE -mfoo=bar) target_link_options(my_specs INTERFACE -motherfoo . CMakeLists.txt for Go is based on the post in Stackoverflow 1 . To do this, you should use CMake 3.23's FILE_SET feature. Hi, I tried to use interface library definition. add_library(libraryName [STATIC|SHARED|MODULE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] source1 source2 ..) Firstly, the first parameter to add_library is the name of the library. The following example demonstrates some key ideas of CMake. See the docs for more explanation of EXTERNAL. So the example CMakeLists.txt from the question should get the correct definition at compile time. Here's a small example of a library that uses Boost in its headers and therefore wishes to have its clients setup those directories as well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 set (TARGET_NAME cool_lib) add_library ($ {TARGET_NAME} STATIC cool_feature.cpp cool_feature.hpp) target_include_directories ($ {TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE $ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) For example: target_include_directories (mylib INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:$ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/mylib> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/mylib> # <prefix>/include/mylib ) Creating Relocatable Packages To make things easier, we invoke our custom CMake function EXTERNAL to setup some variables for us: BOOST_TARGET, BOOST_ROOT, and BOOST_CMAKE_ROOT. An INTERFACE library target does not compile sources and does not produce a library artifact on disk. : In reality, unless used, global symbols in static libraries may be optimized out by the linker. In CmakeLists.txt I have target_link_libraries ($ {MY_LIBRARY_NAME} PRIVATE "$ {TORCH_LIBRARIES}") Torch libraries are : torch;torch_library; $LIBTORCH_PATH/lib/ ;$LIBTORCH_PATH//lib/libkineto.a Added libtorch include directories target_include_directories ($ {MY_LIBRARY_NAME} PUBLIC "$<build_interface:$ {torch_include_dirs}>") Both the CMake docs and the Professional CMake book include an example like the following for one way to do that, but . cmake-example-library CMake library example that can be found using find_package (). For example , say there is a library . There are three directories involved. CMake utilizes build-systems such as Ninja, Linux make, Visual Studio, and Xcode. Don't forget to set cmake_required (VERSION 3.13) if you use this! An INTERFACE library target does not compile sources and does not produce a library artifact on disk. Now you can set INTERFACE properties on this only (since there is no built component). That would correspond to cmake INTERFACE library. The key part is add_library (IMPORTED) 2, to tell the library is not generated by CMake system and use the library located outside the project. The first-class INTERFACE library support in CMake 3.19 was added by CMake MR 5078, and includes a test for PUBLIC_HEADER installation here and here. Features The main advantage of this example is that it is auto-generated . target_include_directories will populate all the directories to include_directories and/or interface_include_directories depending on the keyword we specified in cmake, for any target, in the preprocessing stage, it comes with a include_directories and a interface_include_directories for searching the header files building. ben.boeckel (Ben Boeckel) November 17, 2020, . Jeah, I exactly did this, and it works flawlessly. FancyMath files are private and not exposed. Aside from just going to the library folder and running CMake from there, you can actually do it from the project root - by setting --target option on build: $ rm -r ./* && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. $ cmake --build . For example , say there is a library mylib, and anything which links it must include its headers, located in mylib/ include . INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES List public interface libraries for a library. . Awesome. The bindings generated by rootcling, are 'raw' in the sense that: The .cpp file be compiled. I thought, I could use an interface library as a virtual target which declares include directories and used libraries So that a toolkit with several include directories and library entries becomes a one liner. CMake targets have the notion of 'interfaces', where build properties are saved as part of the target, and these properties can be inherited transitively within the graph. yisseamake (Yan) December 3, 2020, 5:15pm #22. So this example demonstrates that cmake supports INTERFACE library installation in the same way as STATIC or SHARED . May be my understanding is wrong. CMake part 2: Examples to build executable and library projects 30 Mar 2022 Introduction CMake is a cross-platform software for building projects written in C, C++, Fortran, CUDA and so on. The required compilation steps are platform-dependent. Update: now using modern cmake (version >= 3.9), since commit 46f0b93. The second situation is if you have a pre-built library that you want to use. If you need older versions, just make it PRIVATE and make a manual install (FILES) call for the headers. CMake interface CMake fragments are provided for an Automated generation of an end-user bindings package from a CMake-based project build. It was added by CMake MR 3181. Here we just told CMake to install our library and to register the target in the export jsonutils-export. An example of creating a C++ library with CMake. Shared library files usually have .dll (Windows), .so (Linux), or .dylib (macOS) extensions. Contribute to retifrav/cmake-library-example development by creating an account on GitHub. Make sure that you have CMake installed prior to running this example (go here for instructions). Then we can go ahead and install the export that we defined above: install(EXPORT jsonutils-targets FILE JSONUtilsTargets.cmake NAMESPACE JSONUtils:: DESTINATION $ {CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/JSONUtils ) Creating an interface library in CMake is very straightforward: add_library(my-library-name INTERFACE) By specifying INTERFACE as the second parameter to add_library, we are no longer allowed to provide source files since the library is not meant to generate any build output. When the target is linked into another target using the target_link_libraries () command, the libraries listed (and recursively their link interface libraries) will be provided to the other target also. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jul 5, 2019 at 15:46 CMake's function for creating a library is add_library, and the code block below shows the usage. add_library (<name> INTERFACE) Creates an Interface Library . The bindings are not packaged for distribution. So are you doubting that cmake 3.17 I use actually supports installation of INTERFACE library despite documentation indications? target_sources ( $ {linkTarget} PUBLIC FILE_SET "publicHeadersBin" TYPE HEADERS FILES $ {generatedFile} BASE_DIRS . Relative paths are allowed within the INSTALL_INTERFACE expression and are interpreted relative to the installation prefix. Then we call add_library (boost INTERFACE). You only need to change the project name, and add the files that need to be compiled in foo/CMakeLists.txt. These are called interface libraries in CMake and you would write: add_library(some_header_only_lib INTERFACE) Notice you didn't need to add any source files. The top level directory has two subdirectories called ./Demo and ./Hello. This creates a header-only CMake target, usable like any other library. It compiles projects with compilers like GCC, Clang, Intel, MS Visual C++. : For sake of simplicity, in this article I am not covering C++20 modules, link-time optimization, or import libraries. However, it may have properties set on it and it may be installed and exported. Library domain is HMM, so when you want to include public. In concrete example we have HMM library which exposed only Algorithm.h header file. With IMPORTED_LOCATION and INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, CMake can detect where the library (.a or .so) and headers (.h) are. 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